Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013

The E-Board Project: Episode IV

While Premiere Pro is rendering in the background I figured I would start writing already. First of all special thanks to my colleague and dear friend Mike who helped me a lot today with the Arduino and the brushless motor.

The mount for the belt wheel is still temporary but we wanted something to mess around with. So here is how it works. The lithium battery powers a brushless motor controller which is intended for I believe model airplanes. Since I don’t have an RF receiver communicating with controller to make the motor run I need something else. For prototyping I am using an Arduino UNO right now but that will be replaced by an Arduino Nano in the final build. Since the RF transmitter only uses a PWM signal do control the controller this was pretty easy (with the help of Mike ;-)).

I actually only wanted to test the motor today since I have never actually used it since I bought it. Mike however helped me to build a little test setup and well he did most of the coding. I am sure I could have done it myself but he is just way faster. I call him the Arduino whisperer ^^. Since I had camera siting right next to me I shot a few scenes and edited them really quick to give you a quick few of what we did. We also tried the motor with the drive shaft which worked pretty well. Only the motor mount is missing and we are ready for a testspin.

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